"Exclusive Interview from our Author Kaustubh Dhondge," Artech House Insider Blog - Author Insights Series, May 15, 2024.
"Current Student Spotlight - Kaustubh Dhondge," SGS Spotlight Newsletter, August 29, 2014.
"WiFi-Honk! Smartphone App Gets Pedestrians out of the Way," IEEE Spectrum, Jul 11, 2014.
Kaustubh Dhondge, “Lifecycle IoT Security for Engineers,” Artech House, 2021.
Sejun Song, Baek-Young Choi, Kaustubh Dhondge, "Wireless Beacon Collision Warning System," US Patent 10,235,884, Issued March 19, 2019.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Rajeev Shorey, Jeffrey Tew, "System and Method to Reduce and Balance Power Consumption by Off-Loading Communications in the Industrial Internet of Things," U.S. Patent Pending, 2015.
Sejun Song, Baek-Young Choi, Kaustubh Dhondge, "Wireless Beacon Collision Warning System," WIPO Patent WO2015116498 A1, Issued August 6, 2015.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, "Visible Light Communication Based Unlocking for Smart Door Locks," U.S. Patent Pending, 2015.
Braden Katz, and Kaustubh Dhondge, "System and Method to Control Distribution of Goods in a Virtual Marketplace," U.S. Patent 20,150,081,395, Issued March 19, 2015.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, Hyungbae Park, "Ambient Light Sensor Based Authentication for Smartphones," U.S. Patent Pending, 2013.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Rajeev Shorey, Jeffrey Tew, "Towards a Balanced, Energy-Efficient Power Consumption in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)," IEEE Journal of Internet of Things (Manuscript currently under review).
Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, and Sejun Song, "ECOPS: Energy-Efficient Collaborative Opportunistic Positioning for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices," Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 2013, Article ID 136213, 13 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/136213
Kaustubh Dhondge, Kaushik Ayinala, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, "Infrared Optical Wireless Communication for Smart Door Locks Using Smartphone," The Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2016), Hefei, China, 2016.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Rajeev Shorey, Jeffrey Tew, "HOLA: Heuristic and Opportunistic Link Selection Algorithm for Energy-Efficiency in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Systems," In Proceedings of COMSNETS 2016, Bangalore, India, 2016.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, "OptLock: Optical Wireless (Un)locking for Smart Door Locks Using Smartphones," The Eighth Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec Fall 2015), Little Rock, USA, 2015.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, Hyungbae Park, "Demo: OptAuth: Optical Wireless Authentication for Smart Devices Using an Onboard Ambient Light Sensor," The 16th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - HotMobile 2015, Santa Fe, NM, USA, February, 2015.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, Hyungbae Park, "Optical Wireless Authentication for Smart Devices Using an Onboard Ambient Light Sensor," The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2014), Shanghai, China, August, 2014.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Sejun Song, Younghwan Jang, Hyungbae Park, Sunae Shin, Baek-Young Choi, “Video: WiFi-Honk: Smartphone-based Beacon Stuffed WiFi Car2X-Communication System for Vulnerable Road User Safety,” The 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'14), Jun 16-19 2014, Bretton Woods, NH, USA.
Awarded Best Video Award at The 12th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys'14), Jun 16-19 2014, Bretton Woods, NH, USA.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Sejun Song, Baek-Young Choi, Hyungbae Park, “WiFiHonk: Smartphone based Beacon Stuffed WiFi Car2X-Communication System for Vulnerable Road User Safety,” IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Seoul, South Korea, May 2014.
Also oral presentation at the CANSec Workshop, Arkansas, USA, 2014.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, Hyungbae Park, "Optical Wireless Authentication for Smart Devices Using an Onboard Ambient Light Sensor," 4th Greater Kansas Area Security Workshop (KanSec), Kansas City, Missouri, USA, November 2013.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, "FUEL: Fast, Ubiquitous, Easy-to-use, and Low-cost Authentication for Smartphones," IEEE INFOCOM Student Session, Turin, Italy, April, 2013.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, “Energy-Efficient Cooperative Opportunistic Positioning for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices,” IEEE ICCCN Workshop on Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks (coHetNet), Munich, Germany, July, 2012.
Sunae Shin, Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, "Understanding the Performance of TCP and UDP-based Data Transfer Protocols using EMULAB," The First GENI Research and Educational Experiment Workshop, Jointly with the 13th GENI Engineering Conference (GEC 13), March, Los Angeles, CA, 2012.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, “Adaptive Multi-Target Tracking in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks,” The Society for Design and Process Science Conference (SDPS), Jeju, Korea, June, 2011.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, Hyungbae Park, "OptAuth: Optical Wireless Authentication for Smart Devices Using an Onboard Ambient Light Sensor," The Seventh Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec Spring 2015), Kansas City, USA, 2015.
Best Poster Award at The Seventh Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec Spring 2015), Kansas City, USA, 2015.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Sejun Song, Younghwan Jang, Sunae Shin, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, “WiFiHonk: Smartphone-based Beacon Stuffed WiFi Car2X-Communication System for Vulnerable Road User Safety,” The Fifth Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec), Arkansas, USA, 2014.
Awarded Best Poster Presentation Award at The Fifth Central Area Networking and Security Workshop (CANSec), Arkansas, USA, 2014.
Also oral presentation at the CANSec Workshop, Arkansas, USA, 2014.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, "FUEL: Fast, Ubiquitous, Easy-to-use, and Low-cost Authentication for Smartphones,"Great Plains Network, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, May, 2013.
Awarded First Place Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation Award at Great Plains Network, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, May 2013.
Baek-Young Choi, Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Sejun Song, (Air Force Research Lab/CyberBAT team/Dr. Keesook Han), "ECOPS: Energy Efficient Cooperative Opportunistic Positioning System," Air Force Office of Scientific and Research (AFOSR) Information Operations and Security PI Meeting, Washington DC, October, 2012.
Baek-Young Choi, Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Sejun Song, (Air Force Research Lab/CyberBAT team/Dr. Keesook Han), "ECOPS: Energy Efficient Cooperative Opportunistic Positioning System," Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Cyber and Info Challenges Conference (Bi-Annual, Erie Canal Chapter), July, 2012.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Hyungbae Park, Baek-Young Choi, Sejun Song, “Energy-Efficient Cooperative Opportunistic Positioning for Heterogeneous Mobile Devices,” Great Plains Network, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, May/June, 2012.
Awarded Outstanding Student Poster Award at Great Plains Network, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, May/June, 2012.
Kaustubh Dhondge, Baek-Young Choi, “Energy Efficient Multi-Target Tracking in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks,” Great Plains Network, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, June, 2011.
Awarded Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation Award at Great Plains Network, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, June, 2011.